Drawn from Miami
Miami, Florida | 2013-2014
DRAWN FROM MIAMI explores our city through the hands of architects, urban designers, and landscape architects who have shaped its multidimensional urban fabric. Exhibit materials were “drawn” from a variety of sources, including museum archives, academic institutions, private collectors and, most importantly, the personal collections of individual architects.
DRAWN FROM MIAMI detaches itself from the digital and technological aspects of design; it is centered around hand drawings, as they are a window into the creative process and personal vision of architects. The exhibit’s focus will be the evolving role of drawings in the documentation and shaping of the city, from historical delineation to contemporary sketches and their interaction to create a completed project or design. The scope spans Miami’s unique mix of local, national and international designers, examining buildings, master plans and installations that define the city’s identity.
Curators: Jake Brillhart, Nick Gelpi, Jean-Francois Lejeune, Terry Riley, Allan Shulman.
© 2022 Shulman + Associates